May 28 & 30th Leaving Tacoma with Mount Rainer in the background Proud parents waiting to shove off to Alaska with the newlyweds Our beautiful daughter and bride! Hate to dance but loved it this time! First stop Victoria Harbor
June 2nd & 3rd Almost 1 year to the day when we arrived back from La Paz to Nanaimo we return! Nanaimo B.C.
The Nanaimo Harbor -And a most unusual channel marker!
Ours was the only wake in the Queen Charlotte Straights to Campbell River A small cruise ship passes by our moorage at Campbell River with an eagle looking on..
The head of Seymour Narrows and the Bella at almost 20 knots S.O.G.!
Lori on the patio of the fabulous Blind Channel Resort 50° 24.9n 125° 29.9w On the trail head with BEAR tracks.. Our Inukshuk on Blind Channel and an 800 year old cedar tree...
Johnstone Strait traffic all heading North on the ebb from Campbell River The famous chainsaw Port Hardy sign Our welcoming committee at Quarterdeck Marina, Port Hardy The fleet at Port Hardy. Look what we found just outside the harbor! A reminder of the navigational challenges here in the Islands. The word on the docks - it was a hired skipper at the helm on his way to deliver the 57' Carver to Vancouver from Whitter Alaska. The boat was on auto pilot and the skipper took a nap...she grounded so hard the fuel tanks broke loose from the hull and 2 new props and shafts are on the way... The skipper is on his way back to Alaska on a plane....
June 17th Finally on our way from Port Hardy to Bella Bella / Shearwater -left the dock at 4:45am looking for calm seas in the Queen Charlotte Straights but found fog as well. This 1000' cruse ship Silver Shadow just crossed our stern you can make out her waterline and bow wave! Just docked at Shearwater Marina 52° 08.82n 128° 05.29w and off for a well deserved PIZZA! In the boatyard here at Shearwater the first REAL boat anchor I've ever seen!
June 19th Left Shearwater Marina at 9:00am for an swing on the hook in Work Bay some 60 miles north 52° 47.00n 128° 28.89w. On the way, Humpbacks off the bow and a pass by Waterfall Point.
June 20th Leave our anchorage at Work Bay for the hot springs at Bishop Bay 53° 28.19n 128° 50.20w. The cannery remains at Butedale and pacific white sided dolphins on the bow for 10 minutes. Lori on the deck of the hot springs "A" frame and in the pool. Me on the aft deck of the Bella with Fathers Day goodies!
June 22nd Arrive at spectacular Nettle Basin in Lowe inlet 53° 33.59n 129° 34.17w- and put out the hook. We broke out the kayaks and explored Verney Falls, t he inlet and the ancient fish weir. I thought I smelled crab here so put out the pots for a few hours- guess who's coming for dinner!!!
Arrive Prince Rupert! 54° 19.244n 130° 19.137w Coal and grain terminals to the right and Prince Rupert harbor just inside the channel ahead. And a mine field of deadheads... After we docked we went to town for some supplies and and dinner -came back to a100 foot Doug fir under our bow! These pictures taken at10:30 PM!!! Our moorage at The Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club with the view to the north and south of us. And if you can believe this -another Mikelson Nomad, "Fish Magnet" came in to the Harbor today. Turns out the owner Mike Borden rescued a kayaker who had spent the night on a log; now that's a catch! A Norwegian Star cruise ship in front of the museum and First Nations Story Tellers. Arrive Ketchikan Alaska! 56° 20.800n 131° 39.000w And the first thing we see just outside Ketchikan harbor is the fishing vessel "Rambo" on a reef 10 foot in the air! And yes that's 5 cruise ships the 5th had to anchor no more dock space...yet. Even the mega yacht docks were full! The brand new Nordhavn 75 yacht fisher is just down the dock from us ... kinda looks like the Bella....The 2 following pictures taken 2/16/11 are of its sister ship sunk in Cabo because of some faulty work done at a local yard! YIKES! Our first look at town, the old and the new! Finally -a close encounter with a King and a Grizzly Our trip to the Misty Fjord's on a very rare cloudless, windless day! Lori in front of New Eddystone Rock, Behm Canal. Amazing solid granite mountain in Punchbowl Cove Not another boat for 60 miles! The 4th of July and a trip on the retired fishing vessel Aleutian Ballad (of Deadliest Catch fame) . She is a converted King Crab boat that does crab fishing tours here in Ketchikan.... we could do some serious fishing at the Canal with these pots! And yes that is a guy on a tube in Tongass Narrows in 55 degree water- they are really tuff up here! A last trip into town for some shopping on Creek Street with Cape Fox Lodge in the background. And so we leave Ketchikan for this year and start to head South....
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